
Showing posts from August, 2017

Smile wide | A doodle a day

While you're going through this process of trying to find the satisfaction in your work, pretend you feel satisfied. Tell yourself you had a good day. Walk through the corridors with a smile rather than a scowl. Your positive energy will radiate. If you act like you're having fun, you'll find you are having fun.   - Jean Chatsky 

Be the peace you seek | world peace | doodle a day

On the day when the legend Dr. Abdul Kalam expired, I was going through some of speeches he has delivered, to reminisce about that wonderful person every Indian mourned for. I remember to this day, a quote which he shared on world peace. Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in character. When there is beauty in character. there is harmony in home. When there is harmony in home, there is order in nation. When there is order in nation, there is peace in the world. I find this very profound. I truly believe that peace of the world depends on every single individual. It is very sad to think that even during this 21st century, racism and misogynism are prevailing. I think being less judgemental about the people you see, is one big thing which is needed for peace in life. I want to be judged based on my character, not on my gender or the color of my skin. As we voluntarily take an effort to mingle with new people who are way different from the people from our

Your Story isn't over yet | Positivity | doodle a day

So, one day I was speaking to my little sister next door, she was having an idea of getting a tattoo. She wanted to get a semicolon inked because she thinks it motivates even a person who is having huge existential crisis, to move on in his life. I was flabbergasted, and asked why she thinks so ! She had to ask only one question, "Anjookka, when do you use a semicolon?". A semicolon is used by the writer when he wants to finish a sentence, but abruptly thinks otherwise and de cides to continue his sentence. Isn't that life? Isn't that the motivation every person needs on this planet, to face the stones life showers on him ? Yeah, to be fair, life doesn't just shower stones on us. It showers flowers too, a lot of them. It's just that sometimes in life, we get so much carried away with all the chaos the stones make, and forget to notice the flowers, their fragrance, and their breathtaking beauty. If the stones are strong enough to blind you from noticing

Mandala for beginners - How to draw mandala - step by step

Drawing mandala, or doodling in general, is meditation. The changes I have in life after I started to draw mandala was so positive. Various studies show that drawing mandala, or merely coloring them makes us focus on ourselves more, and widely helps in stress relief. After going through a lot of articles and studies regarding this, I decided to make a challenge for myself. A doodle a day !! Mandala is not very difficult artform. People who have absolutely no drawing skills can draw mandala and color them . Here I have filmed a tutorial to make an absolutely easy mandala for beginners who are intimidated by all those complex pattern mandalas. Please give this a try. A doodle a day can work wonders on your life !!