Life in the time of Covid 19 - One day at a time

An introvert friend misses going to parties and an extrovert experiments on how to make million types of eggs in his kitchen. 

A dad uses this as an opportunity to teach his son Indian mythological stories, whereas a mom tries to cook 30 freaking burgers as dinner to keep the kids entertained.

One dreads the thought of staying at her home for a day more, and another doesn't want to get out of his house forever.

That girl who chooses to curl up with a good book - hot coffee and be oblivious to the world, pines for human touch - a simple hold of hands. *cough* Me !!*cough* 

Life has been funny lately. I am busy as a bee because of the exams, but I have all the time in the world when it comes to observing people. There are 2 sets of people in the world right now. Those who have been horribly affected by this pandemic - illness, death of a loved one, victims of loss of job or pay cut etc... I am terribly saddened by their stories and my heart goes out for their losses. 

However, I am here to talk about the other kind of people. The ones that none seem to talk about. The ones whose life has been affected, in a very subtle way. 

People react to this pandemic in different ways. There are lots of uncertainties in life, lots of plans made which were made in vain. As much as I am relieved that my family, friends and I are (momentarily) safe right now, life has not been easy. I know that most of you feel that way too. And I want to just want to let you know that it's okay. I understand you.
I see numerous people out there preach that you should stop worrying as you are in good health, as you should be grateful for what you have. I agree that sometimes it helps to count the blessings too. However, as much as I appreciate the good intention behind them saying so, but does this really help right now?  

I am generally a happy person. I sincerely try to look at the silver lining in any situations. But there were numerous occasions over the past 2 months where I was depressed as hell, was lethargic and unable to cope up with the stress. My point is, anyone can feel low at this tough time. Hence it is important to live mindfully, understanding the woes of your mind and body.

Last month, I unconsciously started humming one of the prayer songs we had at our school. One of the best things about studying in a convent school in India is that you are exposed to good songs, which you can understand the meaning of. I looked up this song in YouTube and would have listened to this song a hundred times just that week.

The song goes like this..

This helps me. When I seek the strength to lead my life one day at a time, I feel a little lighter. When I concentrate on living my life one day at a time, I feel less stressed than usual. I plan for today. I think of how to make me happy for today. Today is all I think about. Tomorrow may never be mine.

Well, my friend, the next time someone dear to you says she is not fine, be kind enough to tell her you understand. Be gentle enough to hold her and nudge her to live her life one day at a time. 


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