
Showing posts from May, 2020

Life in the time of Covid 19 - One day at a time

An introvert friend misses going to parties and an extrovert experiments on how to make million types of eggs in his kitchen.  A dad uses this as an opportunity to teach his son Indian mythological stories, whereas a mom tries to cook 30 freaking burgers as dinner to keep the kids entertained. One dreads the thought of staying at her home for a day more, and another doesn't want to get out of his house forever. That girl who chooses to curl up with a good book - hot coffee and be oblivious to the world, pines for human touch - a simple hold of hands. *cough* Me !!*cough*  Life has been funny lately. I am busy as a bee because of the exams, but I have all the time in the world when it comes to observing people. There are 2 sets of people in the world right now. Those who have been horribly affected by this pandemic - illness, death of a loved one, victims of loss of job or pay cut etc... I am terribly saddened by their stories and my heart goes out for their losses.  However,